Now you can listen to our 8:00AM Sunday Prayer Service
Since our inception, our church was birthed and now hinges on the ministry of intercession. Throughout our rich history, Rehoboth Fellowship of Atlanta has practiced the discipline of prayer and making our request known to God through prayer.
Before we began our weekly services in 1995, we met together for 3 months to pray and seek God’s guidance as we set to motion the plan for our ministry. Now, (over 5 years later), we continue to meet every Sunday morning at 8:00 am EST for our weekly prayer call. With an average of over 60 members and friends each week, we have seen how coming together in prayer has led us, prepared us, helped us, stretched us, and now it refuels us. Our team of intercessors meet throughout the week for scheduled times of concerted prayers on the behalf of the needs of our church, our families, the community, our nation, and the world.
While we are not able to physically meet for in person worship and gather at the altar together 15 minutes prior to our service beginning, we still want to make the ministry of prayer a priority in our church.
This page is designed to encourage you during those dark and lonely hours when you need someone to stand with you in Intercessory Prayer. We assembled prayer clips from many of our Sunday morning prayer calls, Altar Call Prayer, and other spontaneous moments of corporate intercession.
Feel free to leave your confidential prayer request on our website for our Intercessors to join you in faith.
Rehoboth Fellowship of Atlanta Virtual Mass Choir Easter Sunday
Rehoboth Fellowship of Atlanta Virtual Mass Choir